A slower, more measured, more mature tale of Earthsea, but one with just as much character and depth.
A slower, more measured, more mature tale of Earthsea, but one with just as much character and depth.
A return to the grand, sweeping high fantasy roots, but it can feel a little rushed and rough as a result.
A darker and more confined narrative that takes several quite unexpected turns.
A masterclass in world building that keeps you engaged, even if the central mystery feels a little obvious in a modern light.
Gotta love a spin-off that decides to really double down on the weirdest aspects of the universe.
A wonderful collection of non-fiction that offers a fascinating glimpse into the life of the author.
A fascinating biopic filled with emotional whiplash and lots of cats.
I'm not sure why this is considered as bad as it is, but it's certainly nothing special, either.
Just listen to No Such Thing as a Fish if you want some additional QI knowledge and fact-finding. This ain't it.
So. Many. References! And yet it still hangs together (just about).
Hard to fault, but also hard to praise. A completely fine piece of entertainment.
Fictional stories from real wars, told with a kind of brutal honesty, but without any clear motivating point (for the most part). And maybe that's okay.