Star Trek

All things Federation, Klingon, Vulcan, Borg, Romulan, and the rest.

Deep Space Nine

Gotta love a spin-off that decides to really double down on the weirdest aspects of the universe.


Some fun ideas with rocky executions, held together by a stellar cast and some excellent VFX. Plus, Jean-Luc Picard. Always a pleasure.

Star Trek: Beyond

A solid third round, building on the strengths of its prequels whilst maintaining a strong identity of the original franchise. Highly enjoyable, but not ground breaking.

Star Trek: Discovery

A bold new direction for a beloved franchise. It falters a little, but the characters it creates are interesting and the stories are solidly entertaining. For fans, a worthy watch; for everyone else, enjoyable enough.

The Next Generation

The classic evolution, which holds up remarkably well.