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From the ashes... maybe?

Last night had no 100 words. Today, who knows. I did write them, they exist and are "published" on my Workflowy account, but website is currently barely […]

Delivering frustration

It (was) 11:45, we (had) just returned from a very pleasant evening with some family/friends last seen whilst travelling through New Zealand... and I (was) arranging parcel re-deliveries. Not the […]

Cloud nerves

Yesterday I finally filled my camera's memory. Painfully, that means I haven't downloaded (or edited) a single photo this […]

Close call

Yesterday's 100 words almost didn't happen. I wasn't too busy, disinterested or forgetful; I had a database […]

Common sense overturned

For nine months common sense prevailed, but once again it's illegal to rip a CD in iTunes. I just can't […]

Music Wall

Thanks to the constant barrage of live music over the last week, I've been frequently pondering my Last.FM API hack. Coco and the Butterfields seriously highlight the Last.FM problem: since Monday […]

The new New Web

Zurb have released a great breakdown of their redesign for The Next Web. The article jumps between people's perspectives; it's a neat way to present main goals whilst highlighting the variety of folk […]

Still no doors...

So our Microsoft Overlords have ignored their own naming conventions and released Windows 10, irritating lovers of linear trends everywhere. Name aside, I'm strangely excited and apparently I'm not […]


I've been using Last.FM for nearly six years, but it isn't the community or music discovery that keeps me around: it's the […]

Enjoyable blur

Blurryface, Twenty One Pilots' latest, is genuinely enjoyable, but it's no […]

Elephant in the room

Memory augmentation has always interested me. I'm envious of those that never forget a name or can quote verbatim. Like Mark Llobrera, I've started using technology to never […]

Scoping the wrong query?

The RICG has a new fight: CSS container queries. The article's ignited discussion, beneficially. The problem is legitimate, the reasoning well argued and the solution intriguing. But something's […]