Elephant in the room

Memory augmentation has always interested me. I'm envious of those that never forget a name or can quote verbatim. Like Mark Llobrera, I've started using technology to never forget.

Mark has his own suite of tools, but the core technique is the same: a long term archive, fully indexed for search (Evernote), combined with short term, no-fuss solutions (Pocket, WorkFlowy).

Software augmentation, however, only works with access to the software. My job has tight data security measures: third-party software, phones, even personal notepads are banned.

Just as my augmentation was really working, I'm beginning to forget again. It's very frustrating.

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  • Memory augmentation has always interested me. I'm envious of those that never forget a name or can quote verbatim. Like Mark Llobrera, I've started using technology to never […]
  • Murray Champernowne.
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