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Peaks & Troughs [#26]

I believe that inspiration comes in waves. I've believed this for quite a while, largely because I'll have periods of time where I can draw really well, or feel like writing every day, or take a […]

A Gap in Time [#25]

My last post was on the 8th. Today is the 20th. Do you see a little problem there? In short: 12 days are longer than a week. Sad […]

Mister Vimes'd Go Spare & Assorted Odds 'n' Ends [#23]

Well, back from trip number two, which was a little more relaxing (though a lot more tiring... I do not understand how bodies work). As a result, I've actually been reading a bunch of stuff, […]

Welcome Home [#22]

Busy, busy, busy. Life is far too busy right now. I only got back from the Hebrides on Monday and we're already packing for the next trip! Not that I'm complaining about being on the move, it's […]

Factual Distrust [#21]

I'm currently in the Outer Hebrides (actually, I'm currently somewhere on my way back from them, but that's where I have been for the last two weeks). As a result, I'm dipping into my archive of […]

Vinyl Scratchings [#20]

Yes, I am one of those irritating people that have decided to resurrect an audio format that, by all rights, should be long extinct. And, further yes, I'm also now going to complain about my […]

Hyperfocal Stone Rows [#19]

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to spend a long weekend in Dartmoor. We ended up visiting Wistman's Wood for much of the first afternoon, which was so captivating we would have definitely spent […]

Echoing Frustration [#18]

I received an Amazon Echo for my birthday. I honestly wasn't expecting to, so it was a really fun and exciting surprise to unwrap; although, I have to admit that my initial reaction was "What am I […]

Finding the Time [#17]

Life is busy right now. My partner's birthday is this weekend, which also happens to be a bank holiday, so I've spent a lot of the last week organising, planning and generally prepping for a […]

The Weak Link

I enjoyed reading this article, written by Ethan Marcotte. It makes some interesting points, aligns with my own cognitive bubble and provides some deeper insight into areas of stuff that I […]

Duping the Genie [#16]

You find yourself in a magical cave, holding an old oil lamp, spilling out of which is a magical Genie. You know the drill: you have three wishes and you cannot request […]

April Foolery 2017 [#15]

So another year, another April 1st. As is usually the case, the internet was awash with odd concepts, fake news and terrible puns. On top of which, we also had the annual Aprils Fools "pranks" […]