A Gap in Time [#25]

My last post was on the 8th. Today is the 20th. Do you see a little problem there? In short: 12 days are longer than a week. Sad times.

For 22 weeks I have written a minimum of one article every week. Frequently, I've actually managed more; in fact, the total number since the start of the year is currently at 31 published, and I know there are several more sitting at > 50% completion. Still, the challenge was one article per week for 52 weeks and I didn't even manage half. It's a better track record than many previous challenges, but still not a fantastic end.

However, I'm not going to stop here. You'll notice I'm still numbering today's post, but skipping one. The week of #23 will forever be blank but the challenge will continue, one article per week until the end of the year. I'll be interested to see how many other blank spots appear (hopefully none).

As for the why, I think that's the part which is most frustrating. A combination of tiredness, apathy and forgetfulness is the real answer. Last week was a build up to a fun weekend celebrating a family birthday, meaning we were staying with my partner's parents. As a result, there was a push to get the photographs from our recent trip edited and ready to show, so that took priority of me team and wiped me out creatively. Every evening was spent gutting out a third of the stills I took and actually editing several dozen favourites, whilst lunches were spent sorting out bills etc. or just taking a break. Writing took a backseat because I was tired.

I had hoped to write something on Sunday afternoon after we got back, but as tends to happen the day disappeared. We'd intended to return before dinner and actually arrived home at 10pm, without dinner. At that point, I just forgot. It's that simple. I came very close to missing previous uploads whilst in the Hebrides due to lack of internet and just scraped through. I was proud of that. I'm not so proud today.

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  • My last post was on the 8th. Today is the 20th. Do you see a little problem there? In short: 12 days are longer than a week. Sad […]
  • Murray Champernowne.
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