The Rolling Stones (Quarantine Quiz)

After the success of digital beer and neigh-neighs, various of our friends arranged a follow-up get together over Zoom which took the shape of a team quiz. A few people volunteered (including Alison) to run individually themed rounds, and Scottie presided as host; overall it worked far better than I'd hoped!

Categories varied from the utterly esoteric "Stuff Cheyne Knows" to rounds on Colours, Classical Monsters (that would be Alison's round, of course 😉), Geography, Games, and a particularly manic round which was more treasure hunt than quiz. That was a particularly fun concept, and one you definitely couldn't do at the local pub. People had to find certain items around the house and bring them back; the round was timed (15 seconds at the start for each "question") and filmed so the Quiz Masters could be sure who managed what. Some of the items were topical (loo roll), others more bizarre challenges (balance a red item on a spoon), but it was great fun.

We had a solid team, with classicists (and general knowledge experts) Laino and Liv getting most of our points, whilst Robin, Alison, and I tried our best (though we'd probably have gotten a higher score had we just let them put down their answers/guesses each time 😂). Ultimately, particularly with some slightly dubious bonus points/penalties given out by the host, we came second-last. Next time we'll do better, I'm sure!

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  • After the success of digital beer and neigh-neighs, various of our friends arranged a follow-up get together over Zoom which took the shape of a team […]
  • Murray Champernowne.
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