The New 52: A Summary [#52]

So the end is nigh. Fifty-two weeks, fifty-nine articles, two failures and the most complete challenge I've ever set myself. Sure, I may not have managed to write once a week, every week, during 2017 but I have managed to write a whole lot more than I would have done otherwise. I've documented my plan to record more of my media in 2017 than ever before, only to have innovative new technology create a road block. I've shared my ever increasing love and interest in photography, including some very big personal milestones. I've received my first genuine comment, not just from an anonymous stranger on the internet but from a creator and individual whom I have followed for years. I've discussed my own life, my travels, worries, annoyances and ideas; I've had a space to comment on wider industry trends, disturbing news stories and things which I've just found interesting.

It's been a fantastic, frustrating and, at times, not particularly well-executed fifty-two weeks. On the whole, though, I'm extremely proud of, and pleased with, the fifty official "New 52" posts that were published (see full list below - now numbered correctly). I'm also a little astonished that only six of them are MiM posts, with most being self-contained articles I would likely never have written if it weren't for this challenge. Sure, I'm annoyed that I missed two weeks, just like I'm annoyed that there are several MiMs and other articles still sat in my drafts folder, but that doesn't take away from the accomplishments I have made.

So then, the next question is: fifty-two more? Well, put simply, no. I still plan to post, particularly with media reviews, but 2017 was about finally finding the courage to put my writing out into the world, and forcing myself to do so. That has now been achieved and I'm very happy with the end result. The next step is to focus that energy into new challenges and new skills. I will not be starting 2018 with any specific challenge or checklist of goals; instead, I'm going to forge forward with several ideas. The first step will be to clear out/complete as many incomplete projects as possible, beginning with that drafts folder. It's ridiculous that I have drafted movie reviews from October 2016 that have never seen the light of day. It's equally ridiculous that I have spent over a year talking about migrating theAdhocracy; changing the article format; implementing home-brew backed cross-posting; and getting some of the travel videos I've shot edited, uploaded and accessible. The last year has been about learning new skills, proving that I can balance commitments with creative endeavours and working out where I enjoy putting my energy. I've now got a pretty good idea of how that will all work, so the next step is to begin applying it. I'm excited to see what my year-in-review will look like in another twelve months time, but the aim is for it to be even more diverse!

New 52 Challenge Posts:

  1. The New 52: A Challenge
  2. Scrobbling Movies
  3. Rating my Opinion
  4. A New Mozilla
  5. Month in Media: January 2017
  6. Martian Mirrors
  7. Interneting is (Apparently) Hard
  8. The Existential Crisis Question
  9. Awesome Azhdarchids
  10. TV vs Film: The Great Debate
  11. Willow, Wetlands & Nostell Priory
  12. Empathy Just Makes Sense
  13. Thoughts from Around the Web
  14. Month in Media: March 2017
  15. April Foolery 2017
  16. Duping the Genie
  17. Finding the Time
  18. Echoing Frustration
  19. Hyperfocal Stone Rows
  20. Vinyl Scratchings
  21. Factual Distrust
  22. Welcome Home
  23. Mister Vimes’d Go Spare & Assorted Odds ‘n’ Ends
  24. -
  25. A Gap in Time
  26. Peaks & Troughs
  27. Security All The Way Down
  28. Month in Media – June 2017
  29. Marrs Green
  30. The Poetry of Spam
  31. Untapped Market
  32. That Anti-Diversity Googler & Self Introspection
  33. Where is Superwoman?
  34. -
  35. The Weight of Opportunity
  36. Stickers, Eclipses and Lighthouses
  37. Life Between the Worlds
  38. When is a Cat a Mongoose?
  39. Sunrise on the Quiraing
  40. Month in Media – September 2017
  41. Month in Media – July 2017
  42. Forgotten & Surreal Instruments
  43. Welcome to the Grid
  44. Asking the Right Answers
  45. Insta Inspiration
  46. Fair Phones & Mobile Woes
  47. Dark Booking Patterns
  48. Month in Media – November 2017
  49. Spiders, Dinosaurs and CVs
  50. Death of the Internet
  51. Remember: Anger Leads to the Dark Side
  52. The New 52: A Summary

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  • So the end is nigh. Fifty-two weeks, fifty-nine articles, two failures and the most complete challenge I've ever set myself. Sure, I may not have managed to write once a week, every week, during 2017 […]
  • Murray Champernowne.
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