The New 52: A Challenge [#1]

Well it's a new year and that means a new challenge: The New 52!

First of all, no I am not challenging myself to read the entirety of DC's New 52 range of comics, nor am I going to eat my way through 52 varieties of Heinz. Instead, this challenge can be considered a spiritual successor to the 100x100 challenge that effectively caused theAdhocracy to exist.

I've (hopefully) learnt from my mistakes, however, so the 'New 52' is going to be a little looser and a lot more lenient. The aim is to publish one article a week, every week, until December 31st. No daily or (really) weekly commitments and no punishments; articles can be queued up months in advance or left pending until I actively need them. There are no restrictions on content, so an article can be ten words or ten thousand long and it doesn't matter a jot. Similarly, articles that I already intended to write count just as much as utterly unique posts, so hopefully my Month in Media series (behind yet again!) will fill up 12 of the respective slots straight away.

The hope is to craft a challenge with low stress levels but just enough incentive to actually push me to write when my reptile brain is screaming "why bother!". I'm aware that it's not the biggest challenge but, ultimately, it's something I've never actually done. I published 23 articles last year, including MiMs, so managing 52 in 2017 would be over a 100% increase, which would be pretty awesome to be able to achieve.

So, with that said, welcome to article #1 of 52. I'll be interested to see what the others stack up to be.

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