Martian Mirrors [#6]

Photograph of a wooden framed mirror with weather and calendar events projected onto the glass
Do I look smart in this 😏

I absolutely love the execution and concept behind this "smart" mirror by Alex Repty (from MartianCraft). Sure, it's clearly a labour of love rather than a commercial concept, but it's also the kind of DIY tech project I aspire towards. Everything within the execution is custom made (even if the occasional part, such as the mirror, were purchased) so the end result can truly be called one-of-a-kind. Most impressive of all, to me at least, is that the software is also custom code whipped up to suit Alex's particular needs. Whilst a "smart" mirror isn't exactly top of my list of IoT devices, and the cost of the two-way mirror itself is a little off-putting, I'd definitely like to try my hand at something similar in the future. Plus, with the whole process neatly written up for everyone to follow, it shouldn't be too hard to reassemble the concept for my own needs. Top marks all round!

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  • I absolutely love the execution and concept behind this "smart" mirror by Alex Repty (from MartianCraft). Sure, it's clearly a labour of love rather than a commercial concept, but it's also the kind […]
  • Murray Champernowne.
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