Make Me Pulse

Screenshot of text "make me" followed by a blank box and instructions to "click and hold". Image is glitching like an old video.
I do love a good glitch effect, but it's the music that really makes this pop.

Occasionally, Stumbleupon delivers something totally unexpected and awesome. It's why I still get the service's weekly emails years after ever actively using the... app? Extension? Whatever, today it brought me Make Me Pulse, a fantastic design studio (well, at least a fantastic website for a design studio, though a brief review of their work means I'm relatively confident giving them the thumbs up as well) with some very clever interactivity on their site. I'd recommend checking out their homepage purely for the geometric, virtual "drum skin" you can play with, but tucked away in a semi-hidden corner is a very fun, quirky and captivating little 'happy new year' microsite. Definitely worth a check out.

Similar screen but wiht the word "strive" in big letters in the middle, behind which a liquid-like blob ripples with light and occasionally emits bursts of coloured energy.
Another awesome effect. If you move the mouse slowly it gets pushed away from the central orb, move it quickly and it cuts through and emits these blue ripples of energy.

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  • Occasionally, Stumbleupon delivers something totally unexpected and awesome. It's why I still get the service's weekly emails years after ever actively using the... app? Extension? Whatever, today it […]
  • Murray Champernowne.
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