Hamlions and the Importance of Colour

An image of Simba from The Lion King and a skull with common paths leading to the text "uncle kills the king". Titled "Hamlion, common narratives in Hamlet and The Lion King".
To wish to be king or not to be, surely that is the question?

The Logo Smith recently reblogged a selection of fun, quirky and often informative infographics put together by Stephen Wildish. Amongst them are some very interesting illustrations regarding how we interpret colour. There are also several that are just generally amusing and clever, such as the Hamlion comparison above. Either way, the result is a website and project steeped in fun, humour and good ideas that is well worth a browse.

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  • <em>The Logo Smith</em> recently reblogged a selection of fun, quirky and often informative infographics put together by Stephen Wildish. Amongst them are some very interesting illustrations [&#8230;]
  • Murray Champernowne.
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