Autumn Colours at Kew Gardens

Kew Gardens & Science Museum

What's this, a new article? Containing a new Flickr album? Well, who would have thought!

So yes, I'm back, hopefully with some more frequent updates (at long last) and definitely with quite a bit more photography related posts. Life has gone through some fairly big changes since my last post back in February, big enough to warrant their own post at some point. The brief version is that I'm now unemployed and living in London; exciting times!

That has meant time to finally sit down and begin working through the backlog of photographs. It has also meant a fiber internet connection! I'd hoped to have started publishing albums again as soon as we were connected, and pretty much had the above ready to go, but then I hit a bump in the road. Flickr has decided that my log-in details are no longer correct and Yahoo has deleted my associated email account. It doesn't seem to matter that I still have access to the backup email account, the linked mobile phone or that I could provide private information on the account, after a protracted fight with Yahoo customer support I was left with two options: delete the original account or ignore it. The former sounded appealing, but a quirk of the Flickr back-end means that deleting the account doesn't free up the username or URL, the two elements I most want...

So, whilst theAdhocracy on Flickr will live on, it will have to do so on a new profile, with a new name: theAdhocracyUK. I still hold out some hope that the recent acquisition of Flickr by SmugMug may allow greater flexibility in the future, but until then I invite you to follow the new me. As with my last outing on the platform, any images predominantly features friends/family (you know, memory shots rather than composed "photographs") will only be visible if you're following me and have been approved.

I've re-uploaded the original three albums, even taking the opportunity to add better captions and tweak a few of the exposures along the way. With that all (finally) complete, I'm back to where I thought I was two months ago and can begin sharing some new photos. So, with that said, up top I've uploaded a few shots from our trip to London last October.

We came across to London primarily to visit Kew Gardens with Alison's parents, which was my first time to the area. To say we enjoyed it would be an understatement; in fact, we recently became members! Despite being mid-autumn, the beds were in full flower and offset beautifully against the turning leaves, plus the Hive sculpture (well pictured above) was fascinating. It was a great day out and a very fun visit.

The rest of the photos were taken at the Science Museum in South Kensington, predominantly in an exhibit they were running at the time on Asia/India. It was both wonderfully put together and extremely informative, plus the general design of the museum really impressed me. Overall then, a very successful weekend and I'm glad to finally be able to share it; expect more to come to Flickr soon (plus 500px and Instagram).

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  • What's this, a new article? Containing a new Flickr album? Well, who would have […]
  • Murray Champernowne.
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