Explore Reviews


A wonderful, revolving cast of great British comedians and personalities, set against a genuinely novel and interesting quiz format, make this a classic of modern television, regardless of whether Fry or Toksvig is sat in the big seat.

Doctor Who

An incredible, frustrating, brilliant, terrible, masterpiece of bad acting, awful props, astonishing world-building, and iconic characters. Yes, much like its central time travel mechanic, Doctor Who is best considered a paradox: at once perfect and yet banal, riveting and yet baffling. Just sit back and enjoy one of the greats of classic-modern sci-fi.

La La Land

A wonderful mashup of homages, genres and styles held tightly together by a clever story, brilliant performances and one of the best original musical soundtracks in years.

Hardcore Henry

Gamers will get a few laughs and find the mix of gaming pastiches in a movie interesting enough but there isn't much more to recommend this one-trick pony.


A fun enough romp that lacks Nolan's signature intelligence whilst skirting around the much more interesting story occurring in the background.


Not quite so-bad-it's-good, but close; a crazy attempt to turn a pretty linear board game into a movie which largely misses but occasionally lands a hit (yeah, Battleships reference).


Not as bad as anticipated but still not overly worthwhile. Some interesting visual effects and a great actress don't make up for a silly plot and pointless action sequences.

Dirty Grandpa

Don't bother. The humour falls flat and the story clearly never got beyond a draft stage. The entire film feels rushed and empty, with no memorable moments to speak of.

Ender's Game

Read the book; it's a story that deserves to be experienced unadulterated. If you have already done so, there isn't much more for you here.

Justice League: Doom

A solid film with a couple of plot holes. If you're willing to wave these as standard comic book thinking then the remainder is highly enjoyable.

JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time

Fun enough but not really anything new or particularly interesting.


A fantastic Hamlet, with some interestingly modern tweaks that largely hits the mark.