Thor: Ragnarok

⭐⭐⭐⭐ based on 2 reviews.

tl;dr: An extremely fun, vibrant and action-packed ride that lacks emotional depth. Easily the best Thor film but not quite worthy of inclusion in the MCU's greatest hits.


Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel




Spoilers Ahead: My reviews are not spoiler-free. You have been warned.

It's that time of year again: the winter film release season, bringing with it the next big hitters from both Marvel and DC. Marvel is arriving first with the third (and final?) film in the Thor franchise. Personally, Thor is one of those characters who I find brilliant in an ensemble but haven't really latched onto any of his solo outings. The first film was decently entertaining but didn't leave a huge impression and then the second was easily the worst Marvel misstep since the creation of the MCU. That said, I get excited for each film because I love the mash-up of Norse mythology and science fiction and see a huge amount of potential for films there. The question, then, is: does Ragnarok finally find that sweet spot?

Well, yes and no. Of the three films Ragnarok is a clear leader, improving on everything the first film did well whilst increasing the stakes and generally feeling a lot more comfortable within itself. Chris Hemsworth has truly become Thor, much like other big Marvel heroes such as Iron Man and Cap, allowing his performance to shine through. Standing head-to-head is Tom Hiddleston as Loki, proving yet again that he deserves the fan fervour he garners. Luckily, as opposed to The Dark World, the new characters introduced (and returning characters) all fit the world(s) they inhabit and aren't irritating. There were moments I felt the inhabitants of Sakaar were sliding dangerously close to the farce of film two, but luckily they always pull back at the brink and make the punchlines land.

The tone of Ragnarok helps massively in this respect, ensuring that any flatter moments are brushed out of your mind quickly by a breakneck pace and styling itself in a much less serious and more colourful manner. The influence of certain Guardians in this change of pace is clear and the right decision to have made. There's also the absence (now permanent) of Jane Foster, whose presence was tolerable in Thor 2 but largely forced the plot to find reasons (not particularly good ones) for her to even be involved. She became less of a character and more of a crutch for the stakes, a classic damsel-in-distress plot point. Without that, Thor is very literally unleashed, allowing him to be a lot more arrogant and effective in battle. Combined with enemies that are a realistic challenge for a demigod, we finally get to see Thor demonstrate his much-lauded fighting abilities and the result is awesome.

Which is another area of Guardians influence. Seeing Mjolnir explode through demons and zombies is just as spectacular as watching Yondu's whistle carve up bad guys, except it feels so much heavier and fittingly forceful. They're great scenes (whilst they last) and involve some brilliant camera work and choreography. Later, with Mjolnir gone and replaced by the Odin force, Thor's lightning warfare is stunning and wonderfully visceral. In other words, the action scenes in Ragnarok are great, and that's before even discussing the much-anticipated gladiatorial fight with the Hulk!

Speaking of which, one area the film is a little, well, hard to process, is the "adaptation" of the Planet Hulk storyline. Personally, this is an aspect of Ragnarok that will improve on rewatch, now I know how it fits in the greater story arc and which parts have been left. As a huge fan of the original comic arc I was a little disappointed, but if you see the Thor story as an homage rather than adaptation it helps a lot. Plus, ultimately, I quite like how it weaves into the greater story of Hela and Ragnarok. It may trample all over the Sakaar I love (and especially the associated characters) but the world it creates still feels interesting, vibrant and alive, plus it makes the ending both a lot more unexpected and interesting. Had the Asgardians just escaped via the Bifrost then the destruction of Asgard would have been less impactful and their options far more restricted. Having a literal ark of Asgard floating through space gives future stories a lot more scope to work with (even if the next step seems to be fairly concrete at this point, given what we know of Infinity War and the post-credits scene).

That said, I did struggle with how much they had changed Korg's identity and can't help but feel that if they had left him out of the trailer my hopes for the Planet Hulk inclusion would haven't been quite as high. That element did muddy the water significantly, making me a little less engaged with a lot of what was happening on Sakaar, a little more annoyed at the way the Hulk was behaving and a little less accepting of Valkyrie as a character. That last one is the least fair, as she is a brilliant character done absolute justice, but I had hoped she might have been Caiera Oldstrong, Hulk's queen, and the trailer shot of her riding a Pegasus was her bringing the Valkyries to battle. As it is, both Caiera and the Valkyries were missing, which was a double-whammy of disappointment.

Also, the plot isn't exactly the most cohesive. There are plenty of ideas here which could have been much more fleshed out and I can't help but feel that they just tried to cram too much into the plot. You could easily have removed the Sakaar part entirely and just had Thor pick up Hulk to help him out; plus that would explain how a Terran quin-jet somehow made it to Sakaar? I realise repulsor technology is a little hand-wavey in terms of fuel efficiency, but I do think that a short-flight, terrestrial-based transport craft shouldn't be that efficient at interstellar flight...

The result is that quite a bit of the plot is just left to progress by happenchance. Some of it feels acceptable, like the cameo by Dr Strange to cut out an "Odin hunt" sequence, whilst at other times a little callous, such as when Thor just leaves Loki incapacitated and with a death sentence over his head. That would fly if Thor seemed at all upset with Loki, which would be understandable considering that he is the one responsible for Odin's death, thereby the destruction of Asgard, Thor's predicament on Sakaar and the release of Hela, but he just never seems that bothered at all. Or that he shows no worry over how Loki was going to escape from Odin's Vault after releasing the world-eating demon Sutur. Then there are the pieces which were good but could have been great, like Sakaar or even Scourge, who never really makes it into the character equivalent of the third dimension despite a solid performance from Karl Urban.

Having said all of that, on balance, the film was very enjoyable and a huge amount of fun. By the end, I had warmed to the new characterisations of Mieek and Korg, thoroughly fallen for the gorgeous design and palate of Sakaar and the Master, and become completely enthralled by Cate Blanchett's turn as Hela (which, just to be clear, was on par with both Thor and Loki). I found the mythology intriguing and well explained, whilst retaining a semblance of mystery, the characterisation solid and the design stunning. The action is brilliant (as mentioned) but so is the dialogue, with a sharp wit which should become grating but actually never gets there. The one major flaw is that the film never really has that moment of emotional connection. There's plenty of laughs and the stakes do feel high, but at the same time you never get a gut-punching moment. There's no feel-good emotional overload, like at the end of the first Guardians film, or crushingly sad instance, such as the second Guardians film. Ragnarok just continues focusing on the humour and the action, right to the very last moment. That lack of depth means I won't be classing it amongst the finest in the MCU but it sits just outside of that band by a very narrow margin and leaves me extremely excited for Infinity War and some more Norse god mayhem!


Ragnarok is a prime example of why I like returning to these reviews. My initial feelings about this film have changed rapidly over time. Not least of all is that is has easily become one of my favourite MCU films and – I think – one of the strongest in the franchise. I'd certainly now place it on par with, if not ahead of, Guardians Vol. 2. There are just so many excellent moments that keep me entertained each time I watch it. Sakaar continues to shine, now that I'm used to the rewriting of that planet and the characters from Planet Hulk they've become firm favourites, and some of the action sequences are just brilliant. The attack on Hel is excellent, and the moment when Thor – eye socket bleeding and electrified – leaps into the fray on the Bifrost is an incredibly iconic moment.

And yes, Loki and Thor are both great throughout, I'd even say the best either had been portrayed by this stage in the MCU, but the supporting cast is excellent. Korg really does make me laugh, Heimdall is brilliant throughout adding to the emotional journey of the Asgardians, and then there's Valkyrie. Tessa Thompson is excellent throughout the film and has created a character that I genuinely miss in the wider MCU (so far).

Hela, on the other hand, increasingly feels a bit two-dimensional and boring. She's strong, sure, and her fighting style is really interesting to watch, but she's just consumed with the desire to kill. There's no nuance here and no matter how good Cate Blanchett is I don't think of her as that great of a villain.

Is the film perfect? No, it still lacks a clear purpose, but it is a whole lot of fun and one of the few movies in the MCU that I keep returning to. Interesting how these things change over time.