Crazy, Stupid, Love

⭐⭐⭐ ½ based on 1 review.

tl;dr: Crazy, stupid, fun. A feel-good film that stands slightly taller than it perhaps should, thanks in large part to a fantastic cast.


Spoilers Ahead: My reviews are not spoiler-free. You have been warned.

I really enjoyed Crazy Stupid Love. The plot relies heavily on coincidence, which appears to be a staple of modern rom-coms, but the warmth of the acting and the cleverness of the script help tie it all together neatly. It rarely had me crying with laughter but I was smiling throughout, so definitely more of a feel-good flick than a side-splitting romance. Still, the script is far more nuanced than it had any right to be, lending an actual feeling of observational humour and slice-of-life morality to affairs.

Honestly, it's just a lot of fun seeing this cast combination getting to riff off one another. Steve Carell remains one of the most intriguing and varied comedians in Hollywood for me. I would be happy to never see any of his Jim Carey-esque moments again (40 Year Old Virgin, Ethan Almighty and even, for his part, Anchorman all spring to mind) but when he's playing a realistic character he is amazingly charming and disarmingly funny. I loved him in the likes of Little Miss Sunshine and I love him again in Crazy Stupid Love. Then you have Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling, both actors I just love watching, especially when they're having this much fun. Combined, they provide a perfect ensemble cast and a very enjoyable film.