Central Intelligence

based on 1 review.

tl;dr: Dull. Its not bad; just boring and bland and ultimately pointless. Don't bother.


Spoilers Ahead: My reviews are not spoiler-free. You have been warned.

Central Intelligence can only be described as phoned in. You managed to get Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson to star in a whacky buddy cop comedy: this should have been an easy win. Unfortunately, it appears that the studio felt the same way, so just had an intern write the script and then hoped the natural charm and humour of the leads would carry it.

Which, to be fair, almost works. If the script hadn't been quite as awful as it was, there was a mediocre film to be had. The humour is occasionally funny, the plot is entertaining and the pacing is decent. There are moments which make you sit back and think "Yeah, that works". But, these are swiftly killed off when Kevin Hart is forced to make weird noises, or Dwayne Johnson's character flips between loveable idiot to psychopath for the umpteenth time, or literally any other character is given a moment to assassinate their personality or irritate the audience.

Then you have the set pieces, some of which, like the shoot out in Hart's office, are unbelievable but fun. However, for each of these, you then have a psychiatrist's office which makes no sense and adds nothing to the film except padding out the run time. These happen a lot and break the pacing, humour and story each time they occur. Even then, if the story underneath was a little more interesting, something could have been salvaged, but it just isn't. What exactly is the plot? Are we focusing on Kevin Hart being an abject failure, including failing to see the positives in his life (trope), or are we focusing on Dwayne Johnson's CIA agent struggling with emotional trauma from when he was bullied in high school (trope that makes no sense for an active field agent). Or, are we focusing on the "badger" supervillain plot device which is, le gasp, all a red hearing to loop us back around to points one and two, but gives us an excuse to have some gunfights. It's never really clear, though based on the surreal ending (with equally surreal Melissa McCarthy cameo) I guess it was point 2, with point 1 playing a minor subplot role? The thing is, not only is that not overly clear, but none of those options are interesting!

The result is a film which is just dull, with some decent moments of humour which are near-universally ruined by everything that happens either side of them. It's filler, start to finish. I can't even recommend it as a feel-good film or something to stick on when you just want to switch your brain off. Somehow, it manages bypass both those criteria and come out as infuriatingly poor. Not bad, not awful or rubbish or terrible and certainly not so-bad-its-good. Just poor. Mediocre. Middling. Vague. Do yourself a favour and just pick something else.