The chicken-egg problem of movie microformats | Sara Jakša
Sara proposes some broader microformats support for media consumption, beyond the existing u-watch-of
. The existing option does little to differentiate the type of content (YouTube versus cinema, for instance), which makes it almost too broad. But there's also the evergreen issue of: why add microformats if no consuming case exists, countered with, how can you create a consuming case without broad prior implementation. As they say, it's a classic "chicken versus egg" conundrum.
The thing is, I quite like the concept of a service that pulls in recent reviews of movies, books, TV shows etc. from people I already follow on feed readers and social media. That kind of one-step-away network effect is appealing, and the first "social" feature that something like a social reader could implement that would actually be a net draw for me.
Perhaps I need to consider marking up my own reviews, in that case.
On a future service that could utilise microformats for media consumption:
Basically, to see what the people around are watching and how much they are liking the thing, they are watching.
On the broad abstraction of the existing u-watch-of
It also does not really indicate, that this is a movie, right? I guess this could also be use to indicate watching a Youtube videos