What we talk about when we say "webmentions" | Marty McGuire

These are all fantastic things that are built on top of Webmention but that I often feel are conflated with Webmention.

I'm in the middle of (ahem) adding Webmention support to this site, so I found this take on some of the many things that can mean by Marty pretty interesting, particularly as someone who (on first glance) envisioned a bold-new, Webmention-driven world and rapidly discovered it's a lot more nuanced than all that. His conclusion, though, feels like a particularly useful frame of reference when thinking about the technology:

Maybe Webmention can be thought of as less of a "building block" and more like a glue. You can do so many things with glue, like combining a bunch of planks into a table, or building a parade float sculpture with papier-mâché, or doctoring the photo in a passport!

You wouldn't call them all "glue".

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Testing microformats

Very useful! A service that can take any URL and output the parsed results as JSON, letting you quickly see your site as a machine would. Helped me catch that my rel=me links were duplicating […]
  • I'm in the middle of (<em>ahem</em>) adding Webmention support to this site, so I found this take on some of the many things that can mean by Marty pretty interesting, particularly as someone who (on [&#8230;]
  • Murray Adcock.
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