State of frontend 2020 | The Software House

Some interesting results from the latest Software House frontend survey. Surprised to see that over a third of respondents reckoned CSS-in-JS would be a "fad" and gone in three years; personally only Redux on that list seems likely (a suspicion their results elsewhere corroborate as many people seem to be moving away from Redux to Hooks and the Context API).

Incredible to see Netlify beating out GCP and Azure for hosting usage, though given that two of the experts interviewed for the final results are from Vercel I do wonder how closely TSH are tied to the Jamstack community. Also a surprisingly large number of people using micro frontends... I should probably try to work out what they are 😂

SEO questions I think missed the mark, as these days a lot of SEO maintenance is done via SEO tools or outsourced (in my experience), and similarly, I think it's a stretch to claim that the dev/design divide is closing just because developers are likely to have used Zeplin or InVision. If anything, I feel like these tools may have widened the divide by making it easier to cut all communication lines, just email a link instead.

The most worrying element though is this:

Only just over half of respondents said they actively "take care of accessibility" within the applications they work on.

The hell are the other half doing then? It's one thing when that kind of result crops up in surveys focusing on JS or the whole tech team, but in a frontend survey!? Making the application useable is literally our job, so if you aren't responsible for accessibility what are you responsible for? Sigh... 🤦‍♂️

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  • Some interesting results from the latest Software House frontend survey. Surprised to see that over a third of respondents reckoned CSS-in-JS would be a "fad" and gone in three years; personally […]
  • Murray Adcock.
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