In defense of a fussy website | Sarah Drasner

Sarah has put into words some feelings I've had recently about the web (and uses two sites as examples that I keep returning to as well: Josh W Comeau and Cassie Codes) :

The small delights and touches, the little a-ha moments, make me STAY. I wander around the site, exploring, learning, feeling actually more connected to each of these humans rather than as if I’m glancing at a PDF of their resume.

Basically, the web should be joyous. It's a space unlike any other, where creativity can take multiple forms, yet it increasingly feels like a collection of corporate cookie cutters. It's not just about personal impact, either. Sites that make you enjoy using them keep you coming back. They increase engagement. They decrease bounce rates. It's win-win. Plus, you can start small, as Sarah says, by just introducing little easter eggs or moments of flair.

If something is meaningful to you, the audience you’ll gather will likely be the folks that find it meaningful, too.

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  • Sarah has put into words some feelings I've had recently about the web (and uses two sites as examples that I keep returning to as well: Josh W Comeau and Cassie Codes) […]
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