HTML web components | Adactio

An excellent look into the new trend of no-or-low-JavaScript web components, which almost operate more like HTML fragments, with graceful fallbacks to native elements. Jeremy proposes terming these "HTML Web Components", but I'm not totally sold on that.

On some of the key positives of native web components:

It’s not just that web components are portable. They’re also web standards, which means they’ll be around as long as web browsers. No framework can make that claim

On thinking about web components as ways to extend native HTML elements rather than create them from scratch:

HTML web components encourage a mindset of augmentation instead.
Instead of all-singing, all-dancing web components, it feels a lot more elegant to use web components to augment your existing markup with just enough extra behaviour.

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  • An excellent look into the new trend of no-or-low-JavaScript web components, which almost operate more like HTML fragments, with graceful fallbacks to native elements. Jeremy proposes terming these […]
  • Murray Adcock.
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