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A Missing Narrative

Ever spend weeks writing something, hit publish, and then feel completely unsatisfied. That's what just happened to me. So I figured I'd try to work out why.

Git Authorship

How to change your Git author details for a single codebase, and check that the changes have taken effect.

One Neat CSS Trick

Using pseudo-selectors like :where and :not to invert style rules, allowing for better code encapsulation and context sharing across a codebase.

Disable Auto Summarisation in Readwise Reader

I think automatically pumping every article saved to Readwise through an LLM is a bad idea. Luckily, you can turn that feature off!

Written Unconformities

The trouble with drafting blog posts and then mentally filing them under "done", without ever actually hitting publish.

The Power of Three-mes

A look into my most recent productivity framework: every month set three, roughly prioritised focus areas. It's not novel, but it's been a slow-burn journey over the past twelve months or so and seems to be working well.

A Bookmark Feed

Mastodon makes saving interesting links for later very easy, but getting these into a feed reader or note-taking service seemed impossible until I came across a neat little hosted solution.

Transparent Layers With Color-Mix

The color-mix property enables a lot of interesting functionality when you realise that you can use it to mix transparency into colours, including design tokens.

Module Mindsets

I'm still enjoying the wombo-combo of Sass and CSS Modules, but my React-ified brain occasionally blanks on how to approach certain problems. The one that catches me out the most: style inheritance.

Styling on the Server

The increasing use of React Server Components is meaning the end of the CSS-in-JS era. But what options exist to fill that gap? I've been pleasantly surprised with what I've found.

DDEV: A Worthwhile Investment?

Various notes from my battle to get a local development environment working for Craft CMS.

Better Diacritics on Windows

Annoyed by Alt-codes and incomplete keyboard shortcuts? Yearn for the long-press functionality of every other OS? Just freakin' want easier en-dash access? Windows doesn't have to be this annoying; there are some options!